One of the use cases that software engineers get excited about in the context of AI coding assistants is generating tests for their code. This is a reasonable candidate… read more
So, you're already writing unit tests for your components. Maybe you're even practicing TDD because you want your tests to improve your production code design. You… read more
Well written set of tests plays a crucial role in delivering a reliable software. A good test suit ensures that the application works as intended and significantly… read more
Decentralized applications present a new set of challenges. One of them is testing. Transaction lifecycle is more complex than the old-school POST request/response flow… read more
This is the second part of the test-driven introduction to Solidity. In this part, we use JavaScript to test time-related features of our smart contract. Apart from that… read more
Depends on how you count, second and third generation blockchain applications are not bound by restrictions of underlying protocols. Programmers can create smart… read more
Redux Thunk is one of the most if not the most popular Redux middleware with over 2 million downloads a month. If you compare this number to the Redux 4 million downloads… read more
Fixtures are a thin abstraction layer over sample data in your application which allows for better organizing, often complex, data structures representing different… read more
Automated browser tests, in my case, are often part of continuous integration (CI). Failure = no deploy.
This naturally creates some expectations towards acceptance/end… read more