30 Apr 2017Why using localStorage directly is a bad ideaIf you are working on web services for some time you probably remember, or at least heard about, The First Browser War. We are extremely… read more#JavaScript
04 Mar 2017React components and class propertiesReact components went the long way from through ES2015 powered to and stateless functional components. I really enjoy the idea that we… read more#JavaScript, #React
30 Dec 2016Custom root domain and SSL on HerokuHeroku managed to significantly lower the bar when it comes to deploying applications and integrating them with third-parties through… read more#DevOps
27 Aug 2016Why I use double quotes in JavaScriptCoding style is often a topic of fierce debates, mostly unnecessary. What matters is being consistent throughout the project, or better… read more#JavaScript
17 Aug 2016Set up Selenium for Firefox and ChromeAutomated browser tests, in my case, are often part of continuous integration (CI). Failure = no deploy. This naturally creates some… read more#Testing
06 Aug 2016Progressive Web Apps with WebpackMy first offline web app heavily depended on AppCache and it was painful experience. Don’t get me wrong, AppCache initially blow my mind, in… read more#JavaScript
14 Jul 2016TypeScript vs FlowTypeScript calls itself a JavaScript superset and compiler while Flow is a static type checker. TypeScript is developed by Microsoft and… read more#JavaScript, #TypeScript
30 Jun 2016Simplifying data with object mappersWe are designing our applications for better separation and many patterns evolved from that effort. It's not any different in case of… read more#JavaScript
09 May 2016Reduce side effects in React/ReduxPure functions are functions which for certain input always returns the same output without modifying its surroundings. So, they are free… read more#JavaScript, #React
23 Mar 2016Use RxJS with ReactAt first sight, RxJS is blown up lodash but for dealing also with async. In reality, it is so much more than that. With a few simple… read more#JavaScript, #RxJS, #React