29 May 2018An Intro to Nebulas for Ethereum DevelopersNebulas is yet another platform on which you can develop smart contracts. It offers a means of using JavaScript to develop Smart Contracts… read more#Blockchain, #JavaScript
26 May 2018Integration tests and mocking web3 appsDecentralized applications present a new set of challenges. One of them is testing. Transaction lifecycle is more complex than the old… read more#Blockchain, #JavaScript, #Testing
03 May 2018Register .test domain with ENSCee, five, ef, dee, ef, four, ow, six, seven, oh wait, it's ow, seven, six, bee... That's of course not the way you would like to share your… read more#Blockchain
28 Apr 2018How to verify smart contract on Etherscan?Why would you like to verify your smart contract? It depends. It mostly depends on your use case. It always comes down to being transparent… read more#Blockchain, #Solidity
31 Mar 2018Docker Compose for Node.js and PostgreSQLDocker is the response to an ongoing problem of differences between environments in which application runs. Whether those differences are… read more#Docker, #Node.js
09 Mar 2018Deploying smart contracts with TruffleTruffle provides a system for managing the compilation and deployment artifacts for each network. To make an actual transaction and put a… read more#Blockchain, #Solidity
25 Feb 2018Ethereum: Test-driven development with Solidity (part 2)This is the second part of the test-driven introduction to Solidity. In this part, we use JavaScript to test time-related features of our… read more#Blockchain, #Solidity, #Testing
25 Feb 2018Ethereum: Test-driven development with Solidity (part 1)Depends on how you count, second and third generation blockchain applications are not bound by restrictions of underlying protocols… read more#Blockchain, #Solidity, #Testing
27 Jan 2018Using Sequelize with TypeScriptSequelize is an ORM for Node.js written in JavaScript, not TypeScript. Despite that good quality typings are available, it is not… read more#TypeScript, #Node.js
21 Jan 2018Convert files for the web from your terminalFor me, using a terminal is fundamental to tasks automation. I love to augment my workflow using a command line tools. One of the things I… read more#CLI