15 Jun 2020Review: Practical Microservices by Ethan GarofoloThis article is a first book review on this blog. I'm going to see whether this format sticks. I've got " Practical Microservices. Build… read more#Books
07 Apr 2020Structured logging as JSON in Google Cloud FunctionsIn this short post, I'm going to share how you can get more out of your logging on Google Cloud Platform with Cloud Functions. Although I'm… read more#DevOps
27 Feb 2020NGINX: Listen on $PORT env in DockerEach time I have to serve static files, NGINX is my default choice. I use it for this blog, which is generated using Gatsby, a few simple… read more#DevOps, #Docker
25 Feb 2020Caching headers: A practical guide for frontend developersThere are multiple headers available for developers and ops people to manipulate cache behavior. The old spec is mixing with the new, there… read more#DevOps, #JavaScript, #React
24 Nov 2019Do Not Relay on NODE_ENV. Hygiene of Environment VariablesAt the beginning of the project, everything is simple and easy. The entire codebase fits in the mental model you have in your head… read more#JavaScript
20 Oct 2019How to Set up a Secure SFTP ServerSFTP ( SSH File Transfer Protocol ) allows for secure file transfer to and from the server. SFTP, despite its name, isn't based on FTP… read more#DevOps
29 Aug 2019Generate Unique Id in the Browser Without a LibraryI find myself reaching to previous projects for this function every time I need a random, unique value to use on the client-side. You might… read more#JavaScript
28 Jul 2019Just Enough Kubernetes for JavaScript DevelopersKubernetes (k8s) is a platform for deploying, scaling, and managing containers. Kubernetes may be daunting to pick up in the beginning, and… read more#DevOps, #Docker, #Kubernetes, #JavaScript
16 Jul 2019Upload source maps to RollbarIn production, the most important advantage of using a build tool like webpack is a smaller size and thus improved overall application… read more#JavaScript, #DevOps
26 Apr 2019Bridging Static and Runtime Types with io-tsWhat’s io-ts? In theory, io-ts is a runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding. In practice, io-ts is an elegant solution to a very nasty… read more#TypeScript